Tania De Los Remedios Cuevas Féliz
Teacher/Data Analyst
Dominican Republic

Hello! I´m Tania de los Remedios Cuevas Féliz. Mathematics, Languages (English - French) and Technical Education Teacher for Middle Education, Data Analyst and Judo Veteran. I have served as a teacher and HRSI in public, as well as in private Educational institutions and private companies in Santo Domingo, and other cities of the Dominican Republic. I founded my own languages Institute and Research Projects and Preparation of Undergraduate Thesis and Monographies. Other certifications in Accountancy, Paralegal Labor Law and Social Security, Immigration and Consular Law, Real Estate, Civil Procedure, Trial and Litigation Techniques, Legal Oratory, Speech, Master of Ceremonies, Legal Translation, Coach PNL, Mathematics Tutoring and Mandarin (Chinese) Language student.
ISTJ Personality Qualities: Valuation made by Aldaba.com Organized and hard-working, they act consistently toward identified goals. Well-developed ability to concentrate. Serious and calm, interested in security and a peaceful life. Extremely persistent, responsible and trustworthy. They usually achieve any goal as soon as they have focused on it. Usually interested in supporting and promoting traditions and values.